Website Designs

CMS or Content Management System is Web Application that is running in the back-end of any dynamic website scripting using various technologies such as PHP/ASP.NET It allows web masters to manage content of their websites effectively and easily. Content can be anything: texts, pictures, music, documents, etc. It can also be customized and build with easy interface that even a layman can manage.

A proper Content Management System allows web masters and site owners to manage every part of their website like adding new content, updating and deleting existing content, managing users, and so on. A web master doesn’t need to use FTP software — he can manage everything through administrative control panel (back-end). But everybody have different requirements and usability thus to over come this hurdle we offer you Custom CMS Development to help you handle you website management and changes effectively with ease.

The complete features list of our Search Engine Friendly Content Management System (CMS) is as:

  • Rich Text JavaScript Editor with WYSIWYG Interface (XHTML Compliant)
  • Unlimited User, Mentor & Administrator Management
  • Existing User Rights modification by << (Left) and (Right) >> Arrow Symbol, Status & Password modification Management
  • Easy User Termination Feature
  • User can change their password after Login to our SEO Friendly Content Management System (CMS).
  • Easy Customizable Design by the powerful Global Template Manger.
  • User Temporary Activation & Deactivation Feature
  • User Rights Management
  • User Content Activation Control Feature
  • Default Meta (Page Title, HREF Title, Bullet ALT, Meta Title, Meta Key, Meta Description, Meta Distribution, Meta Rating, Meta Language, Meta Author, Meta Copyright) Configuration Preference for all the New File Creation
  • Activate All Files features for already activated and modified page
  • My SQL Database Download Facility for taking backup of all your Website Data and Tables to your Desktop Computer.
  • User Activity Tracking including IP Address from the Login and Logout
  • Content Approval by Mentor & Administrator Only.
  • Session based Security with Login by Random Security Code Image Validation
  • Flexibility to Create Unlimited Categories in Our Content Management System (CMS)
  • Flexibility to Create Unlimited Pages in our Content Management System (CMS)
  • Complete Website Page Extension Modification Flexibility (.html / .xml / .php / .aspx / .asp etc.)
  • Easily Activation and Deactivation of any of the pages from any category anytime
  • No unique number identification in the file name
  • Easy Meta Control including Page Title / Meta Keyword / Meta Description / Page Anchor Title Text / Image ALT Tag Control Features
  • Easily move created pages from one category to another category
  • Create new pages from already existed pages under any category including the content and formatting
  • Inbuilt Keyword Density Counter Flexibility
  • Flexibility to change Enquiry Default Subject assign your Custom Subject
  • Default Email (To & CC recipients ) Address Assignment for the enquiry
  • Easy Custom Order Management for Single and Group Files
  • Easy Exchange Order of the Two Selected Files from the List
  • Easy Order Modification of the Listed Categories including all the files under them.
  • Easy Categories Name, Label, Link Page, Title and the Number of Listed Files  Change Flexibility
  • HTML Formatted Enquiry Email Customization Feature
  • Image Upload & Management with the Search Features
  • Automatic Google XML Sitemaps Generation of all the active pages
  • RSS Feeds of all the active pages for all the Categories including the popular supporting format (Google Fusion for Google Home Page and Google RSS Reader /  Yahoo My Page / Add to My MSN / NEWSGATOR Really Simple Syndication (RSS) / Bloglines RSS Feeds)
  • Printer Friendly Page Button Activation & Deactivation possibility
  • Inbuilt Website Content Search Result by the keyword density based ranking
  • Easy Structural Navigation
  • Easy Icon Identification of the Active, Inactive and Latest Modified Content for the Approval
  • Advanced Image Inserter Feature Rich Editor including the Custom ALT Tag Implementation Feature
  • Show Last Published Date for latest activated document
  • Cross Browser Support including Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera,  Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla, Maxthlon Support
  • Easy Custom Advertisement Management Module for all the pages including the Advertisement / Offer Activation and Deactivation Features
  • Easy RSS Feed Management & customization of the Display Data in the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Files.
  • Physical File Generation on the Web Server – Always Accessible Files in case of any server issues.
  • CSS Customization for the Complete Website & for the Printer Friendly Pages.
  • Full Control of the CLF (Common Look and Feel) Management by the Powerful Global Template and CSS Customization Features
  • List of latest 20 modified Document Pages after login into our SEO Friendly Content Management System
  • Published On Date and Never Publish Content Document Identification.
  • Inbuilt Link Popularity and Index Linked Pages Checking Facility for Top Search Engines (Google, Yahoo!, AlltheWeb, HotBot, AltaVista)
  • Inbuilt Key Phrase Rank check for the Google and Yahoo! Search Engine.

Extensive Administration:

  • Change order of objects including news, FAQs, Articles etc.
  • Random Newsflash generator
  • Remote Author submission Module for News, Articles, FAQs, and Links
  • Object hierarchy – as many Sections, departments, divisions, and pages as you want
  • Image library – store all your PNGs, PDFs, DOCs, XLSs, GIFs, and JPEGs online for easy use
  • Automatic Path-Finder. Place a picture and let Joomla! fix the link
  • News Feed Manager. Easily integrate news feeds into your Web site.
  • E-mail a friend and Print format available for every story and Article
  • In-line Text editor similar to any basic word processor software
  • User editable look and feel
  • Polls/Surveys – Now put a different one on each page
  • Custom Page Modules. Download custom page Modules to spice up your site
  • Template Manager. Download Templates and implement them in seconds
  • Layout preview. See how it looks before going live
  • Banner Manager. Make money out of your site.